The Space Cowboy is featured in countless television shows around the world including America, Canada, England, Italy, Spain, China, Japan, Germany, Indonesia, South America, New Zealand, Australia and many more.
Winner of the Science Channel’s hit television show ‘Outrageous acts of science’ and a regular star of CBBC and BBC’s ‘Officially amazing’.
The Space Cowboy on Spanish TV with Peter Dinklage
The Space Cowboy on Spanish TV with [...]
Space Cowboy Breaks World Record – Australia’s Got Talent 2012
Space Cowboy Breaks World Record - Australia’s [...]
Unicycle world record stunt by The Space Cowboy – Australia’s Got Talent 2012
Unicycle world record stunt by The Space [...]
The Space Cowboy on Don Francisco TV show
The Space Cowboy on Don Francisco TV [...]
Space Cowboy’s World’s Best Audition – Swallowing a Mic’d Neon Tube Sounds Weird
Space Cowboy’s World’s Best Audition - Swallowing [...]
Outrageous Acts Of Science – Million Volt Man
Outrageous Acts Of Science - Million Volt [...]
Space Cowboy Risks His Life | Auditions | Australia’s Got Talent 2019
Space Cowboy Risks His Life | Auditions [...]
Space Cowboy Gets Electric | Semi Finals | Australia’s Got Talent
Space Cowboy Gets Electric | Semi Finals [...]
The Space Cowboy’s audition on Das Supertalent 2019 (English)
The Space Cowboy’s audition on Das Supertalent [...]
Million Volt Man – Ripleys Believe It Or Not
Million Volt Man - Ripleys Believe It [...]
Underwater backflip with swallowed sword by the Space Cowboy
Underwater backflip with swallowed sword by the [...]
The Space Cowboy breaking another Guinness World Record!
The Space Cowboy breaking another Guinness World [...]
Space Cowboy breaking the world record – Most Chainsaw juggling pirouettes
Space Cowboy breaking the world record - [...]
The Space Cowboy – Arrow catcher – Short documentary
The Space Cowboy - Arrow catcher - [...]
Heaviest weight pulled with the eye sockets Space Cowboy
Heaviest weight pulled with the eye sockets [...]